

Fill out the form below to get your FREE Disability Insurance quote

By signing up for a policy within 6 months after graduation, you're eligible for a policy discount up to 30%. 

The estimated monthly cost reflects the monthly benefit amount shown and policy features you chose. Premium is based on a level premium structure (fixed premium that never increases) with a true own-occupation definition of total disability. Individual disability insurance policy Forms 18ID and 18UD underwritten and issued by Berkshire Life Insurance Company of America (BLICOA), Pittsfield, MA. BLICOA is a wholly owned stock subsidiary of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America (Guardian), New York, NY. Product provisions and availability may vary by state. Policies issued to anesthesiologists/anesthetists, emergency room physicians, dentists (general) and pain management physicians, as well as all policies issued in California, will have a mandatory Mental and/or Substance- Related Disorder (MSRD) limitation. For increase options exercised from such policies, the MSRD limitation will also be included. However, a policy may have been issued without the MSRD limitation; in that event, a new policy issued as a result of an increase option exercise is not required to have the MSRD limitation. Discounts are applied when there is an MSRD limitation. While the information provided here may help inform your decision, we strongly encourage you to discuss your particular insurance needs with your broker or agent to ensure that you consider the optimal coverage for your circumstances. This is not a contract or an offer of coverage. This is a quote based on personal information that you’ve provided and describes certain features of a standard policy, which may vary by state. If a policy is issued, its provisions and pricing may differ from this proposal.
  Disability insurance isn't just a safety net - it's a smart financial move

Studies show that one in four dentists are likely to become disabled for up to a year before reaching the age of retirement, a statistic that’s not too surprising given the physical demands of the profession. With odds like that, it’s important to have a plan in place that will protect your income should you find yourself unable to work due to a disability, whether it’s temporary or permanent.

Signing up for disability insurance when you graduate will save you money in the long run. By getting a policy three to six months after graduation, new dentists are eligible for a student discount of 10-30% over the life of the policy, depending on the carrier. By signing up while you’re young, your premiums will be lower, an advantage that will continue so long as you maintain the policy. Plus, having protection early in your career, when you have high debt but no safety net in terms of savings or investments, is a good idea.

Insure for 60% of your income

Dentists are high income earners, so insuring for 60% of your income should be enough to cover costs. If you sign up before establishing an earning history, you’ll default to a base pay that’s 60% of what’s considered typical. In today’s market, your disability payments would be about $5,000 per month.

90-Day Waiting Period

You want to balance the cost of the premium with the need to maintain cash on hand while waiting for the policy to kick in, and 90 days is a good compromise. If you choose 30 days, premiums will be a lot higher. Over 90 days requires keeping a burdensome amount of cash on hand.

Riders Can Add Value

Riders add benefits or amendments to the terms of a basic insurance policy to provide additional coverage and allow policy holders to tailor coverage to meet their individual needs. Most riders come with an extra cost on top of the premium, but some are available for free. Sign up for all the free riders you’re offered because they can be valuable. The following riders probably come with a fee, but they’re worth it:

  • Regular Occupation – This rider ensures you receive your full disability payment even if you’re earning money in another capacity. If you become disabled in a way that prevents you from practicing dentistry, but you’re able to earn money by doing something such as consulting, you’ll still get the full disability payout. Without this rider, any money you earn would be deducted from your monthly payment.
  • Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) – This rider ties your payments to inflation, so you’ll get a cost-of-living increase of at least 3.5% every year.
  • Benefits Updates – When you first sign up for a disability insurance policy there’s an extensive underwriting process, during which your health is evaluated and closely scrutinized. With this rider you won’t have to repeat that process when you make changes to the policy, such as increasing benefits. If down the road you want to have the policy reflect a $300,000 practice, you can increase the coverage without worrying about any recent health issues that might otherwise have created a problem.

Don’t Take Tax Deduction

Never take a tax deduction for your premiums. If you do, any disability payments you receive will be taxable.

Don’t Use Policy as Collateral

When applying for a mortgage loan, some banks might ask you to assign disability payments to them as collateral. Should you become disabled, the bank would then have the first right of refusal for the payment. They would probably deduct the amount of the mortgage payment and you would get whatever was left, which is not a situation you want to be in.

Tell People About Your Policy

Whether it’s a spouse, a business associate, or your financial planner, make sure you provide information about your policy to the relevant people. If you’re disabled to the point where you’re unable to communicate, you’ll need someone who can act on your behalf to invoke the policy.

Protect Your Practice

If you’re out six months with a broken arm, as a business owner you’re liable for your employees’ salaries plus overhead expenses, such as rent. And who is going to take care of your patients? Business overhead expense disability insurance, also known as business expense insurance, pays your overhead expenses if you become disabled, which may include paying a short-term dentist to treat your patients while you recover.

When to End the Policy

While disability insurance is important to have at the beginning of your career, you don’t want to pay the premiums forever. The ultimate goal is to self-insure.  As your business grows and you build wealth, work with your financial planner to decide when you can discontinue the policy and stop paying the insurance company.

If you have questions about which insurance products are worth spending money on and which aren’t, schedule a call with our team at Engage Wealth Advisors. We’ll discuss ways you can protect your income and help you build the wealth you’ll need to have the kind of retirement you want.

  Original Article By: Taylor Richardson, CRPS®, AIF, Financial Advisor