Maintaining the trust and confidence of our clients is a high priority. That is why we want you tounderstand how we protect your privacy when we collect and use information about you, and the stepsthat we take to safeguard that information. This notice is provided to you on behalf of EngageAdvisors (Engage Wealth Advisors, LLC).Information We Collect: In connection with providing investment products, financial advice, or other services,we obtain non-public personal information about you, including:
Information we receive from you on account applications, such as your address, phone number, date of birth, SocialSecurity Number, occupation, financial goals, assets and income;
Information about your transactions with us, our affiliates, or others;
Information about your visits to our website. We store records of the activities on our sites in our webserver logs, which automatically capture and save the information electronically. The information wecollect helps us administer the site, analyze its usage, protect the website and its content frominappropriate use, and improve the user’s experience.
Categories of Information We Disclose: We may only disclose information that we collect in accordance withthis policy. Engage Advisors does not sell customer lists and will not sell your name to telemarketers.Categories of Parties to Whom We Disclose: We will not disclose information regarding you or your accountat Engage Advisors, except under the following circumstances:
To entities that perform services for us or function on our behalf, including financial service providers,such as a clearing broker-dealer, investment company, or insurance company;
To third parties who perform services or marketing, client resource management, or other parties tohelp manage your account on our behalf;
To your attorney, trustee or anyone else who represents you in a fiduciary capacity;
To our attorneys, accountants, or auditors; and
To government entities or other third parties in response to subpoenas or other legal processes asrequired by law or to comply with regulatory inquiries.
How We Use Information: Information may be used among companies that perform support services for us,such as data processors, client relationship management technology, technical systems consultants, andprogrammers, or companies that help us market products and services to you for a number of purposes, suchas:
To protect your accounts/non-public information from unauthorized access or identity theft;
To process your requests such as securities purchases and sales;
To establish or maintain an account with an unaffiliated third party, such as a clearing brokerdealer providing services to you and/or Engage Wealth Advisors;
To service your accounts, such as by issuing checks and account statements;
To comply with Federal, State, and Self-Regulatory Organization requirements;
To keep you informed about financial services of interest to you.
SMS Compliance: We do not sell or share any SMS consent or personal information to third parties or affiliates for SMS marketing PurposesPhone numbers provided opt-in to receive SMS notifications. This information is used solely for the purpose of sending you relevant notifications and updates from your client advisor. Please be assured that we respect your privacy and do not share your phone number with any third parties. Your phone number is stored securely and used strictly in accordance with our internal communication needs.Regulation S-AM: Under Regulation S-AM, a registered investment adviser is prohibited from using eligibilityinformation that it receives from an affiliate to make a marketing solicitation unless: (1) the potential marketinguse of that information has been clearly, conspicuously and concisely disclosed to the consumer; (2) theconsumer has been provided a reasonable opportunity and a simple method to opt out of receiving themarketing solicitations; and (3) the consumer has not opted out. Engage Wealth Advisors does not receiveinformation regarding marketing eligibility from affiliates to make solicitations.Our Security Policy: We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those individuals whoneed to know that information to provide products or services to you and perform their respective duties. Wemaintain physical, electronic, and procedural security measures to safeguard confidential client information.Cyber Security: Internal policies and procedures are in place to address cyber security. A copy of this policy isavailable upon request.Succession Planning: In the event that the owner(s) of Engage Wealth Advisors retire, become incapacitated,or perish unexpectedly, your information would be disclosed to an unaffiliated third party for the purposes offacilitating a business succession plan. A change in control of ownership of Engage Wealth Advisors wouldrequire your consent, as dictated by your signed agreement with Engage Wealth Advisors, in order to continueproviding services to you.Your Right to Opt Out: Federal privacy laws give you the right to restrict us from sharing your personalfinancial information. These laws balance your right to privacy with Engage Wealth Advisors’ need to provideinformation for normal business purposes. You have the right to opt out of sharing certain information withaffiliated and unaffiliated companies of our firm. Choosing to restrict the sharing of your personal financialinformation will not apply to (1) your information that we may share with companies that help promote andmarket our own products or products offered under a joint agreement with another company; (2) records ofyour transactions--such as your loan payments, credit card or debit card purchases, and checking and savingsaccount statements--to firms that provide data processing and mailing services for our firm; (3) informationabout you in response to a court order; and (4) your payment history on loans and credit cards to creditbureaus. If you opt out, you limit the extent to which Engage Wealth Advisors can provide your personalfinancial information to non-affiliated companies. You may opt out of the disclosure of nonpublic personalfinancial information to non-affiliates by contacting Engage Wealth Advisors at (913) 681-9155.Closed or Inactive Accounts: If you decide to close your account(s) or become an inactive customer, ourPrivacy Policy will continue to apply to you.Complaint Notification: Please direct complaints to: Taylor Richardson at Engage Wealth Advisors, LLC, 7285W. 132nd Street, Suite 140, Overland Park, KS 66213; (913) 681-9155.Changes to This Privacy Policy: If we make any substantial changes in the way we use or disseminateconfidential information, we will notify you. If you have any questions concerning this Privacy Policy, pleasecontact us at: Engage Wealth Advisors, LLC, 7285 W. 132nd Street, Suite 140, Overland Park, KS 66213; (913)681-9155.