Kayci Foster is a highly experienced Accountant with six years of dedicated service at Engage Advisors. Her background in healthcare and innate understanding of mathematics led her to choose this career path. Kayci’s decision to work exclusively with dentists allows her to specialize in one industry and provide tailored assistance to clients. She excels in addressing their financial needs, including bookkeeping, tax and payroll. Clients can expect comprehensive support and an in-depth understanding of their financial matters from Kayci, who holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Purdue and is pursuing an MBA through Southeastern Oklahoma University. Her commitment to continuous learning and expanding her expertise is evident in her work.
On a personal level, Kayci is a devoted mother of two sons, with twins on the way. Family is a constant source of inspiration for her, and she finds joy in supporting her children’s sports activities. Her hobbies include drawing, painting and both roller and ice skating. Kayci greatly admires her husband, who works with special education students, and she considers him the hardest working person she knows. In her perfect day, Kayci envisions spending quality time with her family, watching her children excel in their sports, and indulging in her creative pursuits.