Student loans can seem overwhelming but taking a look at the big picture can help The average dentist graduates with...
The IRS Considers All Ships That Sail Cruise Ships In your lawmakers were attempting to give the U S cruise...
Question Let s say you are under IRS audit for business mileage You claimed business miles at the IRS optional...
Like you we at Engage Advisors don t like IRS penalties That s why we keep you up to date...
Learn from a True Story of Payroll Tax Fraud and Protect Your Business Today Let s say you paid your...
Properly Deducting Sports Team Sponsorship Are you considering sponsoring a local sports team this year Maybe you already are The...
Dr John Jones fell into the life insurance policy loan trap A successful dentist Dr Jones purchased a life insurance...
Maximizing Tax Deductions for Employee Entertainment You take your employees to a hotel meeting room for an all-day intensive training...
Tax Deduction for Business Use of Classic or Antique Cars Have you considered buying an antique or a classic car...
Achieve Financial Predictability Smart Decisions for Dentists Chances are you became a dentist to help people and enjoy a comfortable...
Are you considering an in-house dental plan Maybe you already have one up and running The fact is an in-house...
Are you considering an upgrade to a CEREC Galileos or maybe even Waterlase Iplus or Solea Laser This new technology...