Learn from a True Story of Payroll Tax Fraud and Protect Your Business Today Let s say you paid your...
Is your tax preparer honest We sure hope so You likely see indicators one way or the other If your...
Did you or your tax advisor use the wrong Section A rules when filing your tax return The IRS issued...
Properly Deducting Sports Team Sponsorship Are you considering sponsoring a local sports team this year Maybe you already are The...
Dr John Jones fell into the life insurance policy loan trap A successful dentist Dr Jones purchased a life insurance...
Maximizing Tax Deductions for Employee Entertainment You take your employees to a hotel meeting room for an all-day intensive training...
Estimated Tax Tip Savings A swimming pool you install for medical reasons could increase your tax deductions by or more...
Tax Deduction for Business Use of Classic or Antique Cars Have you considered buying an antique or a classic car...
Achieve Financial Predictability Smart Decisions for Dentists Chances are you became a dentist to help people and enjoy a comfortable...
Are you considering an in-house dental plan Maybe you already have one up and running The fact is an in-house...
Are you considering an upgrade to a CEREC Galileos or maybe even Waterlase Iplus or Solea Laser This new technology...
If you operate a pass-through business such as a proprietorship partnership or S corporation new tax code Section A offers...